Flying With a Club Plane
The Affordable Way to Fly!

The Houlton Flying Club keeps use of the club plane simple. The cost for member use is $85 per hour (gas included).

Dues are $600 per year for flying members or $55 if paid monthly. There is a one-time non-refundable $250 fee for first time flying members. Non-flying member dues are $100 per year.

The Houlton International Flying Club is able to accept payments via credit card (online), check or cash. The online portal makes reserving and paying for the plane simple!

Flying a Club Plane
Membership Considerations
Many people would like to fly but the cost to enter the market can be very expensive. The Houlton International Flying Club not only breaks this barrier to flight but also provides another benefit - Community. Flying for the first time can be overwhelming and club members can provide great insight and support as you develop your skills. Have a question and not sure who to ask? We have members at all levels of experience. We have someone who can answer any question you might have.